Let’s get started!

First you need to register* below so that we can maintain the integrity of the results,

We need to know who is who!

  • You tell us the three things that you want changed in this country so we can create a to-do list for our leaders…. We all know it is super easy to get distracted so it will be our job to keep them focused on what’s important to you!

  • Then, if you have any solutions to these problems, share them! We want to start crowd-solving so that you can have a voice and not just wait for the next political season of attack ads blaming the other side for not doing anything.

  • We will then host podcasts with experts on these issues and start talking about your solutions. We will then share these ideas with our politicians, corporate and small business leaders, and media outlets to find ways we can all get involved to solve our greatest challenges as a nation!

    (*We don’t and won’t sell your personal information, period)